Sunday, May 31, 2009

the ricker!

so we all know that i would sell my soul to meet rick owens right?  well yes i would and when i was living in hell and wondering what the hell to wear i would think of all these heavenly pieces that make my toes curl...i don't know exactly what it is that i am soo obsessed with but there is something he does that i its avant garde in that its unusual tho not weird but kind of futuristic and bad ass and i like that shit alot man...i would wear rick owens every single day if i could...oh wouldn't that be a nice life...i hate celebritys and i hate star fuckers but this is one person that would give me that star struck can't remember your own name feeling..i hope he sends a store down here then i would totally work there and of course be their best customer as well! omg dreamy dreams for fashions sake...anyway here we are my fave looks.

anyway i just thought these looks speak for themselves and i wouldn't want to you can make up your own captions if you like - or just regard with reverance like i do.

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