Friday, October 10, 2008

Sam Taylor Wood Artist Talk and 002 Party

Perfect outfit for a nerdy artist talk with a no-show artist, very preppy pieces but his carefully controlled scruff and lapel pins keep him from turning into one of those third coast boys tryin-to-do-a-yank-style.

Three cute girls and a fabulous piece of art behind, great juxtaposition if I do say so myself. These must be vintage threads, especially the yellow frock on the right.

I do not know how this chick pulls off the bright red dress and the green shoes without being Christmas.  She does though and I have to give her appropriate props, even if she is wearing that kaffiya thing which was cool three falls ago but is now a bit tired.

I seriously do not want to see these shoes ever again on anyone.  If you have them you should store them away for several seasons until everyone has worn theirs through then pull them out again when no one else will have them.  Isn't it October  - what is going with all the sandals and boots at the same event?  I love living in Houston right now as we are leading the seasonless dressing trend of course.  barely two seasons around here.

This outfit is to die for I deem it absolutely flawless, the boots and the white shirt are totally timeless.  Soo casual and still so put together, love her.  She actually reminds me of a certain Vogue editor.

This pair do not even know each other but they showed up in the exact same outfit.  I was stunned and so were they.  Seriously right down to the owl pendants they are both wearing, having fashion forward dress sense can be a spooky thing. 

They are practically twins, this is a very wierd phenomena - not unlike the tributes on the feet of every other girl there.

I am obsessed with fringe, this is a flappery tunic that looked a little tattered (which I love) over skinny jeans, good job except matchy-matchy is never very cool...or is it?

This chick is in white pants after labor day, quel horreur! jk the rules are made to be broken baby, a girl after my own heart.  ugh those sandals again, but a cute beaded smock dress makes up for her obvious footwear.

this is the girl in the sparkly tributes, ruffles done well are a rare thing indeed.

I asked this guy where he got that sharp jacket, he said Zara Man so I have got to check out the mens section next time around.

 Talk about seasonless dressing - a fascinating concept I must admit - he is in buttercup yellow pants with a charcoal cardigan, very transitional of him.

These YSL Tribute sandals are ubiquitous now, must have seen 5 pairs at this party alone so you can bet you will never find me wearing them. Try not to be so clone-ish girls, at least not all at once! I actually like the sparkly ones above the best but I stand by my abstinence from the tribute.

This will be a familiar face, Carla always looks immaculate in a cool bobo way.  Love love these Gucci boots which are set to be a cult item this season.  I think that bag is a party favor...lets hope so.

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